Friday, May 17, 2024

5/19 SUNDAY Morning Ride: Raymond Hills

==UPDATE 2==

It's raining now and the maps I'm looking at show showers either in front of us or on us for more of the course. We're either going to get rained on from above or from below (sprayed by the wet roads); I just don't know which. What I DO know is we won't get rained on tomorrow, so I'm going to do an official punt: all ride details remain the same, we're just going to go tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

5/11 SMR: Legs of Steel #4

Buckle up, buttercup: the primary course this weekend is 64 miles and 3900’ of climbing. We start with the Hilly Way to Pineland, stop for a snack, and continue on to Fickett Rd and Runaround Pond (that exceptionally pretty section at the top of the map). If you’ve never ridden it, you’re gonna love it.

If you don’t have the time or legs for that, there are two other options that turn back from Pineland but, because of the route going up, you’ll still get your hill work in. The Hodgdon route has 3000’ of climbing, and the Sligo route has 2200’.

It should be partly sunny and in the low/mid-fifties, so a great day for a ride--see you at 8:00.

May 11


Hilly Pineland-Freeport 65
Strava | Garmin

Hilly Pineland-Hodgdon 53
Strava | Garmin

Hilly Pineland-Sligo 49
Strava | Garmin

May 18

May 25

Memorial Day

Friday, May 3, 2024

5/4 Saturday Ride

Time for coffee!

We have a little less climbing this week but a significant jump in miles, but we have muffins and coffee to keep us inspired. It's about 37 miles to Little Dog (now The Abbey) on Maine St in Brunswick and 27 miles home to burn them off. If we don't like The Abbey, we can try Reverie or the Bohemian Coffee House on the way out of town. It's about the same distance to Wild Oats, but a few more miles home. We are definitely stopping for a snack either way, so pack some cash.

This is our most versatile course with myriad permutations so, whatever your legs feel like or whatever your time constraints, there's a loop in here for you. I've included five options below, so click the route of your choice and load it up or make up one of your own. We've been able to break into A and B groups the last few weeks, which has made it a good ride for everyone.

It's going to be a long day so, barring a change in the weather, let's start at 8:00.

May 4

Brunswick Options Map

Wild Oats 66
Strava | Garmin

Little Dog 64

Maquoit Rd 57
Strava | Garmin

Highland Rd 51
Strava | Garmin

Freeport 34

Strava | Garmin

May 11

May 18

May 25

Memorial Day

Friday, April 26, 2024

4/27 Saturday Ride

Memorial Day Tune-up Ride #2

We had a nice group of about 20 riders last week and broke into A and B groups at the halfway point, almost evenly split--I think it was a really good day for all with good weather, and hope to see similar numbers this week.

We'll head out to Sebago Lake through Falmouth/Windham and wend our way back via Standish and Gorham. We're about 5 miles shorter than last week but gain 500' of climbing. Middlejam Road has finally been repaved, so we will get to ride alongside the canal again. 

The weather is looking good but still a little chilly in the morning, so let's do another 9:00 start. Links are below the map. There's a little whoopsie-doodle on the Strava map in Westbrook--just ignore that. 🙄

April 27

May 4

May 11

May 18

May 25

Memorial Day

Friday, April 19, 2024

4/21 SUNDAY Ride

I've been watching the weather change for days now but the current outlook for Saturday continues to deteriorate, so I am bumping to Sunday at 9:00.

Can you believe it's already six weeks until Memorial Day? That means it's time to start our annual White Mountain Tune-up Series. We will steadily increase distance and climbing for the next four weeks, enjoy a lighter ride on the 25th, just to keep the legs loose, and arrive in Fryberg on Memorial Day with Legs Of Steel!

This weekend we'll head down to OOB--this is a lovely ride that we won't get to do again after Memorial Day. The main route is in green; it's about 51 miles and relatively flat--we'll start adding hills next week.

If you need something shorter, you could cut across on Broadturn Rd for a 30-ish mile loop (the blue waistline--I'm not saying it would be pretty, but you could do it). You could also loop around Cape and then go up Broadturn for 38 miles or do Mitchell Hill backwards

The rest of the schedule is laid out below. We'll be along the coast in the morning, so consider your layers.

April 27

May 4

May 11

May 18

May 25

Memorial Day

Thursday, April 11, 2024

4/13 Saturday Ride

I am still out of town this weekend, but Emily has volunteered as Bunny Herder. 

The weather thus far remains indecisive; I think any rain should be light and hold off until 11:00-ish, so an 8:00 start from the radio tower should keep folks dry, but it's still a bit of a toss-up. We will keep an eye out as things develop, but so far there is a single consistent characteristic, and that is a WNW wind, so we think a southerly route will, at least, provide a tailwind on the way home.

The main course is a 30-mile Mitchell Hill loop, with the option to add Cape and stretch it to about 39. Map links are below, but stay tuned as weather develops.

Friday, April 5, 2024

April 5th Saturday Ride—NOT

Delaney was helpfully planning to be Chief Bunny Herder tomorrow until Snowmageddon happened. Now it looks like the warm part of Sunday (40°-45°) happens 11:30-3:00. That’s not very warm and, with the snow right next to the road, it will feel colder than that even while it’s melting and creating salt slurry for you to douse your bike in. 😝

As such, there will be no scheduled ride for this weekend. If all of this still sounds like fun to you, please create an invite on Strava to find some friends and go for it. If your garage roof caved in and you’re trying to dig out your bikes, definitely create a Strava event to find friends—it’s amazing what people will do for pizza and beer. 😇

Friday, December 8, 2023

12/9 Saturday Ride

After a pretty chilly week it looks like we'll get a little warmth tomorrow. I don't usually like to start a ride as late as 11:00, but we should hit 40° by then and I would hate for everyone to be grumpy about riding in the cold when there was an option. So let's go for it--it might be our last chance this year, as winter seems to have found us.

I think short and sweet: the Freeport loop should do the trick, but I could be talked into the 40-mile Pineland loop, if you'd rather. Anything, really, as long as we don't plan more than 40 miles.

Friday, December 1, 2023

12/2 Saturday Ride

Well, it appears as if the rain will stop in the wee hours and stay away most of the morning, but the temps won't get much above 42°, so how about we try a shorter one close to home? Let's try the Highland Lake loop, starting at 10:00. Please be sure to click the button in Strava or comment on Facebook if you plan to ride.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Black Friday Ride

It's time for the Turkey Burner!
Don't shop—you know you hate the crowds—let's ride bikes!

It looks to be a bit chilly on Friday, so we'll plan to start from the Westbrook Public Parking Lot at 10:00. I have 42- and 52-mile variations of the course. We'll plan on the 42 and decide whether or not to tack on the extra 10 when we hit Saco Rd at mile 14. If the lot is full, people can park at my house just up the road. See you at 10:00!

Garmin 42  |  Strava 42
Garmin 52  |  Strava 52

Friday, November 17, 2023

11/19 Sunday Ride?

It is not looking at all good for tomorrow, sports fans: if it's not raining when we get up, it looks like it most certainly will be before long.

I will post a tentative ride for Sunday at 10:00, but I can't guarantee I can make it. If you want to ride then, be sure to click the I'm In button on Strava or respond on the FB post so other people will know if they'll have company.

Friday, November 10, 2023

11/11 Saturday Ride

Looks like we have a chilly day tomorrow, but it won't be too bad if we start at 10:00 (40°). Let's head up up Pineland (hilly or not)--that way, if anyone decides it's too cold after all, they can wait inside for a ride. 

It is entirely possible that the rest of us will mock them while congratulating our own stoicism with warm beverages; I can't make any promises.

Oh yeah: if you're an A rider and want to bring friends, you can travel at your own pace--we don't mind!

Garmin  |  Strava

Friday, November 3, 2023

11/4 Saturday Ride

It looks like tomorrow is going to be fine, so let's ride bikes!

It doesn't look like anyone did last week's ride, so I will tentatively plan that one. If people did do it, or just prefer an alternative, I'll also offer up the Buxton/Bar Mills Kidney loop.

It's finally cooler in the morning, so let's go at 9:00.

Garmin  |  Strava

Friday, October 27, 2023

10/28 Saturday Ride

It's Oxbow Metric Weekend!

So, yeah, I'll be off doing that. For any looking for something local, I will leave you with this one or your choice from the Route Library. If you have Strava and plan to ride, click the button so others know you'll be there. It's going to be a great day, so get out there!

Friday, October 20, 2023

10/21 Saturday Ride

Well, I'm not sure if it's Tammy's fault or not, but I don't even see a bump-day possibility this weekend--it's just going to be wet.

As long as there's nothing we can do about it, let's look ahead to 10/28: we're planning to do the Oxford Hills ride next weekend, so BOLO for an email with final dates, and think happy thoughts!